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2848 Instructions Form -
Power of Attorney and
Declaration of Representative

Download and Print the Form 2848 Instructions

Internal Revenue Service
Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative

▶ Type or print. ▶ See the separate instructions.

Part I
Power of Attorney Caution: A separate Form 2848 should be completed for each taxpayer. Form 2848 will not be honored for any purpose other than representation before the IRS.

1 Taxpayer information. Taxpayer must sign and date this form on page 2, line 7.
   Taxpayer name and address Taxpayer identification number(s)
   Daytime telephone number Plan number (if applicable)

hereby appoints the following representative(s) as attorney(s)-in-fact:
Representative(s) must sign and date this form on page 2, Part II.

Name and address - Check if to be sent notices and communications.

CAF No. - PTIN - Telephone No. - Fax No. - Check if new: Address Telephone No. Fax No....

to represent the taxpayer before the Internal Revenue Service for the following matters:

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